
Berkeley, CA.

Don't forget to come to class and office hours.

View the Project on GitHub palautatan/ph142

PH142, Fall 2018

Professor Corinne Riddell
Li Ka Shing 245
MWF 8:00-9:00am

This class was so much fun to teach! The GSI’s (Asem, Phil, Naomi, Sarah & I) and our professor bonded so much. Through the trials, hope you loved it like we did.

Lab Demos

Here are demos that will be helpful for and complement your weekly labs. Some of which, without the lab, may be difficult to understand, so please read along with corresponding lab assignments. I marked these labs by week, not by actual number of labs, I think. I apologize.
Lab 1: Dataframes and Data Viz
Lab 2: Regression Scatterplots
Lab 3: Boolean Vectors and Sampling
Lab 9: P-Hacking and Formal Testing
Lab 11: Z to Chi-square Test
Lab 12: Regression Test Intro
Lab 13: ANOVA F-test, Regression HT & CI

YouTube Videos

Here is the link to YouTube videos. For extensive dplyr and ggplot2, do see the videos on the following channel.
YouTube Channel

Exam Materials

Midterm 1 Slides
Midterm 2 Slides
Statistical Inference Overview
The Best Inference Cheat Sheet Ever (z, t test)
Final Practice: Nonparametrics

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