Exploring the Rappers Dataset

Data collection

The dataset we will be using is information collected on rappers from Google searches. To be clear, these data were chosen with a lot of bias. I lack plenty of hip-hop history, and I am a big fan of rap, therefore I have my favorites who are probably represented in the dataset. The first 30 or so artists (lazy to figure it out at this point) were chosen off the top of my head. The rest were chosen from looking at lists found under the search query of "best rappers" and "most influential rappers". Net worth and height were recorded from the Google hint that appeared after searching artist names then the word "net worth" or "height". The rest of the information was taken from their Wikipedia pages. If no origin/hometown was specified, then their place of birth was taken as origin state.

Load in Data

The dataset is called rappers.csv and is downloadable for you to do your own practice on! Let's load in the data and take a look.

In [1]:
In [2]:
rappers <- read_csv("../data/rappers.csv")
Parsed with column specification:
  artist_name = col_character(),
  legal_name = col_character(),
  birth_year = col_integer(),
  origin = col_character(),
  net_worth = col_double(),
  start_year = col_integer(),
  deceased = col_logical(),
  height = col_character()

Column variables

The columns within rappers represent values for the following variables.

In [3]:
  1. 'artist_name'
  2. 'legal_name'
  3. 'birth_year'
  4. 'origin'
  5. 'net_worth'
  6. 'start_year'
  7. 'deceased'
  8. 'height'

We can try to summarize and visualize our dataset.

Dataframe manipulation

We're going to use the library dplyr to calculate some interesting summaries. Take a look at the following chunks and see what they're doing.

In [4]:
Attaching package: ‘dplyr’

The following objects are masked from ‘package:stats’:

    filter, lag

The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’:

    intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

Using mutate to apply a function

Often times, data will come to us in a format that isn't easy to work with in R like getting a height in the format of 5'2" instead fo 5.1667 feet. Our next goal will be to convert the height column into decimal format. To do this we will use mutate() to apply the function called height_to_decimal. Don't worry about coding the following function. Just take it as a given.

In [5]:
height_to_decimal <- function(this_height) {
    numeric <- sapply(strsplit(gsub("\"", "", as.character(this_height)), "\'"), as.numeric)
    numeric[1] + (numeric[2] / 12)
height_to_decimal <- Vectorize(height_to_decimal, vectorize.args="this_height")

Recall, we can use mutate() to take an existing column and create a new one based off of the values of the existing one. Take a look at the new column we tacked on to the very right side. Also notice that I overwrote my previous dataframe with my updated version that contains the height_decimal column using the assignment operator.

In [6]:
rappers <- rappers %>% mutate(height_decimal=height_to_decimal(height))
rappers <- rappers %>% mutate(height_decimal=as.numeric(height_decimal))
Nicki-Minaj Onika-Maraj 1982 New-York 75 2004 FALSE 5'2" 5.166667
Jay-Z Shawn-Carter 1969 New-York 900 1986 FALSE 6'2" 6.166667
Eminem Marshall-Mathers 1972 Missouri 190 1988 FALSE 5'8" 5.666667
Kendrick-Lamar Kendrick-Duckworth1987 California 45 2003 FALSE 5'6" 5.500000
Logic Robert-Hall 1990 Maryland 10 2009 FALSE 5'9" 5.750000
E-40 Earl-Stevens 1967 California 10 1986 FALSE 6'1" 6.083333

Using mutate again for something simpler

The last example can be a little confusing if you look at the chunk I told you not to look at. Haha. To reiterate how to use mutate(), we're going to now calculate each artist's year (rounded to the start of the year) and each artist's number of active years. (For now, we will not worry about whether or not a rapper is still around on this Earth.)

In [7]:
rappers <- rappers %>% mutate(age=2019-birth_year,
Nicki-Minaj Onika-Maraj 1982 New-York 75 2004 FALSE 5'2" 5.166667 37 15
Jay-Z Shawn-Carter 1969 New-York 900 1986 FALSE 6'2" 6.166667 50 33
Eminem Marshall-Mathers 1972 Missouri 190 1988 FALSE 5'8" 5.666667 47 31
Kendrick-Lamar Kendrick-Duckworth1987 California 45 2003 FALSE 5'6" 5.500000 32 16
Logic Robert-Hall 1990 Maryland 10 2009 FALSE 5'9" 5.750000 29 10
E-40 Earl-Stevens 1967 California 10 1986 FALSE 6'1" 6.083333 52 33


Now, we're going to make summaries and data visualizations using dplyr and ggplot2. Recall that earlier we already loaded in dplyr, so we're not going to do it again. We're going to use the two libraries one after the other to show how we can calculate (code) and view our data summaries.

In [8]:

How old are our rappers?

Birth year is discrete, numeric data.

In [9]:
rappers %>% summarize(mean_birth   = mean(birth_year),
                      median_birth = median(birth_year),
                      early_birth  = min(birth_year),
                      late_birth   = max(birth_year))
1980.7871980 1964 1999

Here's a boxplot of the interquartile range (IQR).

In [10]:
ggplot(rappers, aes(y=birth_year)) +
    geom_boxplot() +
    geom_hline(yintercept=1964) +
    geom_hline(yintercept=1999) +
    geom_hline(yintercept=1980.787, color="gold") +
    geom_hline(yintercept=1980, color="royalblue") +
In [11]:
ggplot(rappers, aes(x=birth_year)) +
    geom_bar() +
    geom_vline(xintercept=1980.787, color="gold") +
    geom_vline(xintercept=1980, color="royalblue")
In [12]:
ggplot(rappers, aes(x=birth_year)) +
    geom_histogram(binwidth=2, col="white", lwd=0.25) +
    geom_vline(xintercept=1980.838, color="gold") +
    geom_vline(xintercept=1981, color="royalblue")

Is Too \$hort too short?

Too $hort is one of the rappers in our dataset. Here's a little bit of information we have about him from our dataset.

In [13]:
rappers %>% filter(artist_name=="Too-$hort")
Too-$hort Todd-Shaw 1966 California15 1984 FALSE 5'7" 5.583333 53 35

Is Too \$hort too short? Let's compare him to the rest of our rappers. From the above, we know he is 5'7". By the below, Too \\$hort does happen to be shorter than the first quartile of heights.

In [14]:
summary <- rappers %>% summarize(mean_height   = mean(height_decimal),
                                 median_height = median(height_decimal),
                                 short         = quantile(height_decimal, 0.25),
                                 tall          = quantile(height_decimal, 0.75))
5.8177785.75 5.6666676.041667

Rapper height is a continuous variable, so we're going to use a histogram to visualize it.

In [15]:
plottable_mean   <- summary %>% pull(mean_height)
plottable_median <- summary %>% pull(median_height)
plottable_short  <- summary %>% pull(short)
plottable_tall   <- summary %>% pull(tall)

todd_shaw        <- rappers %>% filter(artist_name=="Too-$hort") %>% pull(height_decimal)

Too $hort is the solid red line. The rest of the lines match up with summary values from the IQR.

In [16]:
ggplot(rappers, aes(x=height_decimal)) +
    geom_histogram(binwidth=1/12, col="white", lwd=0.25) +
    geom_vline(xintercept=plottable_mean, color="forestgreen", lty=2) +
    geom_vline(xintercept=plottable_median, color="gold", lty=2) +
    geom_vline(xintercept=todd_shaw, color="red") +
    geom_vline(xintercept=plottable_short, color="orange", lty=2) +
    geom_vline(xintercept=plottable_tall, color="royalblue", lty=2)

Rapper's origins

Rapper origin is a categorical variable (nominal).

In [17]:
ggplot(rappers, aes(x=origin)) + 
    geom_bar() +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1))
In [18]:
origin_summary <- rappers %>% group_by(origin) %>%
California 44.31250 86.78125
Florida 21.50000 2.87500
Georgia 34.50000 33.75000
Illinois 28.25000 20.00000
Louisiana 45.33333 133.33333
Maryland 29.00000 10.00000
Michigan 31.00000 16.00000
Missouri 47.00000 190.00000
New-York 41.40909 102.22727
Non-US 26.50000 50.15000
North-Dakota 32.00000 45.00000
Pennsylvania 28.75000 12.00000
South-Carolina42.00000 15.00000
Texas 32.00000 32.00000
Virginia 47.50000 67.50000
In [19]:
ggplot(origin_summary, aes(x=origin, y=mean_net, fill=mean_age)) + 
    geom_bar(stat="identity") +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1))
In [20]:
ggplot(origin_summary, aes(x=origin, y=mean_age, fill=mean_net)) + 
    geom_bar(stat="identity") +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1))