Lab 9. ANOVA, Tukey's HSD, and linear regression.

We've got a lot to learn. Let's get started.


(1) Review visualization: boxplots, stacked histograms
(2) Review numerical summaries: means, standard deviations
(3) ANOVA test
(4) Tukey's HSD
(5) Regression test

Reading in your data

You know how to do this by now. We're going to read in a Zillow dataset on median price per square foot for homes, then take a subset using filter(). We are only going to look at the top 10 ranked sized regions in the dataset. Then, we will condense the table into sample statistics.

In [31]:
zillow <- read_csv("data/zillow-city-mediansqft.csv")
Parsed with column specification:
  .default = col_integer(),
  RegionName = col_character(),
  State = col_character(),
  Metro = col_character(),
  CountyName = col_character()
See spec(...) for full column specifications.
In [33]:
zillow <- melt(zillow, id.vars=c("RegionID", "RegionName", "State", "Metro", "CountyName", "SizeRank"))

Here is our dataset. The variable column is in YYYY-MM format and value is median dollars per square foot for that region.

In [38]:
zillow_subset <- zillow %>% filter(SizeRank<=10)
6181 New York NY New York Queens 1 1996-04 NA
12447 Los Angeles CA Los Angeles-Long Beach-AnaheimLos Angeles 2 1996-04 110
17426 Chicago IL Chicago Cook 3 1996-04 94
13271 Philadelphia PA Philadelphia Philadelphia 4 1996-04 39
40326 Phoenix AZ Phoenix Maricopa 5 1996-04 58
18959 Las Vegas NV Las Vegas Clark 6 1996-04 76

And here are the corresponding summary statistics. These are not perfect averages (we are using a subset), just averages based on our dataset.

In [39]:
zillow_state  <- zillow_subset %>% 
    group_by(State) %>% 
    summarize(avg_state_median=mean(value, na.rm=TRUE), var_state_median=var(value, na.rm=TRUE))
AZ 102.19841 1024.4704
CA 352.82440 27914.7030
FL 76.63095 369.8911
IL 151.74206 1298.1364
NV 106.98810 1322.7050
NY 364.62500 1198.6068
PA 71.48016 519.4379

Comparing the states

In [93]:
state_subset <- zillow_subset %>% select(State, value) %>% filter(!

ggplot(state_subset, aes(y=value, x=State, fill=State)) + geom_boxplot() + theme_minimal()
In [97]:
model <- lm(value ~ State, data=state_subset)
lm(formula = value ~ State, data = state_subset)

(Intercept)      StateCA      StateFL      StateIL      StateNV      StateNY  
     102.20       250.63       -25.57        49.54         4.79       262.43  


First, an ANOVA. These are the hypotheses we are interested in.

$H_0:$ All groups have the same mean.
$H_1:$ At least one of the groups has a different mean.

Are our assumptions met? Check lecture notes. Regardless, we will continue on to demonstrate code.

In [98]:
anova <- aov(model)
State 2 23395619 11697809.32 620.2368 2.554194e-197
Residuals 1509 28460091 18860.23 NA NA

Tukey's HSD

We are going to do a Tukey's HSD test to compare these three state's average medians!

$H_0:$ All of the pairwise differences (between the states) are the same.
$H_1:$ At least one of the differences is different.

Are our assumptions met? Check lecture notes. Regardless, we will continue on to demonstrate code.

In [100]:
in_all_honesty <- TukeyHSD(anova)
in_all_honesty %>% tidy()
State CA-AZ 250.625992 227.674642 273.577342 0.000000e+00
State FL-AZ -25.567460 -54.598876 3.463956 1.267011e-01
State IL-AZ 49.543651 20.512235 78.575067 1.058905e-05
State NV-AZ 4.789683 -24.241733 33.821099 9.990213e-01
State NY-AZ 262.426587 228.959177 295.893998 0.000000e+00
State PA-AZ -30.718254 -59.749670 -1.686838 3.000300e-02
State FL-CA -276.193452 -299.144802 -253.242103 0.000000e+00
State IL-CA -201.082341 -224.033691 -178.130992 0.000000e+00
State NV-CA -245.836310 -268.787659 -222.884960 0.000000e+00
State NY-CA 11.800595 -16.554455 40.155646 8.833586e-01
State PA-CA -281.344246 -304.295596 -258.392896 0.000000e+00
State IL-FL 75.111111 46.079695 104.142527 0.000000e+00
State NV-FL 30.357143 1.325727 59.388559 3.357299e-02
State NY-FL 287.994048 254.526637 321.461458 0.000000e+00
State PA-FL -5.150794 -34.182210 23.880622 9.985213e-01
State NV-IL -44.753968 -73.785384 -15.722552 1.151815e-04
State NY-IL 212.882937 179.415526 246.350347 0.000000e+00
State PA-IL -80.261905 -109.293321 -51.230489 0.000000e+00
State NY-NV 257.636905 224.169494 291.104315 0.000000e+00
State PA-NV -35.507937 -64.539353 -6.476521 5.796398e-03
State PA-NY -293.144841 -326.612252 -259.677431 0.000000e+00

Linear regression

We made scatterplots and lines through them earlier on in the class. Now, we're going to do formal testing on the parameters of our linear regression line.

Queens, NY

This is where my grandma lives, so I'm motivated to talk about home prices near my queen in Queens.

In [281]:
queens <- zillow %>% filter(CountyName=="Queens") %>% filter(! %>% select(variable, value)
queens <- queens[seq(from=1, to=nrow(queens), by=6),]
In [282]:
queens <- queens %>% mutate(variable=as.numeric(gsub("-0[0-9]","",variable)))
queens[seq(1, nrow(queens), by=2),1] <- queens[seq(1, nrow(queens), by=2),1] + 0.5

We'll draw the line of best fit on top of the scatterplot. Does it look good?

In [283]:
ggplot(queens, aes(x=variable, y=value)) + 
    geom_point() + 
    geom_smooth(method="lm", se=FALSE) +
    theme_minimal() +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)) +
    ggtitle("Median Sqft Cost in Queens, NY from 1996 to 2017")

To me, the above looks like trash. The below (which we will observe but not write any calculations for in this class) looks better.

In [234]:
ggplot(queens, aes(x=variable, y=value)) + 
    geom_point() + 
    geom_smooth(method="loess", se=FALSE) +
    theme_minimal() +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)) +
    ggtitle("Median Sqft Cost in Queens, NY from 1996 to 2017")

We want to test the hypotheses based on the linear regression of Y (median price per sqft) and X (the year).

$H_0: \beta_1=0$
$H_1: \beta_1 \neq 0$

WAAARNNIIINGGG! You must be responsible with your data! The trend does not even look linear in the first place! If you're doing any predictions like this in practice, use time series analysis instead. This will require you a combination of modelling techniques beyond the scope of this class. But of course, again, for pedagogical reasons, we will continue with the example.

Are our assumptions met? Check lecture notes. Regardless, we will continue on to demonstrate code.

In [286]:
queens_model <- lm(value ~ variable, data=queens)
queens_model %>% tidy()
(Intercept) -12427.8841033074.139000 -4.04272 0.0004729643
variable 6.361709 1.528849 4.16111 0.0003504263

Check it out.

$$ \bar{x} \pm t*\text{SE} \implies 6.3617 \pm t*(1.5288) $$
In [334]:
qt(0.975, df=nrow(queens)-2)
$$ \bar{x} \pm t*\text{SE} \implies 6.3617 \pm 2.063(1.5288) $$
In [288]:
queens_model %>% glance()
value0.4190948 0.3948905 29.23362 17.31483 0.00035042632 -123.6102 253.2203 256.9946 20510.51 24
In [289]:
queens_model %>% summary()
lm(formula = value ~ variable, data = queens)

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-36.162 -25.213  -5.152  20.367  57.316 

              Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept) -12427.884   3074.139  -4.043 0.000473 ***
variable         6.362      1.529   4.161 0.000350 ***
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 29.23 on 24 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.4191,	Adjusted R-squared:  0.3949 
F-statistic: 17.31 on 1 and 24 DF,  p-value: 0.0003504